Monday, September 20, 2010

Green Plastics

ChemMatters - Episode 2: Plastics Go Green from ACS Pressroom on Vimeo.

Watch the video above about "Green" methods for creating plastics.

Use the questions (and more) below in writing a reflection of this video on your blog.
When you are finished, check out at least two of your classmates' blogs and make a constructive comment on each. In your comments try to make a comparison between what you and your peers learned from the video.

How are these plastics being developed?

What makes these plastics "green?"

What are some issues with plastics that were mentioned?

How many different elements/compounds could you see?

What connection is there between this video, the article about water, and the video of Blue Gold?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs M.

    My name is Greg Stevens, and I run a website called It is an educational website about green plastics. It is mainly for highschool and college students, but I get many questions from all types of people about the basics of what plastics are, and what makes plastics good for the environment (or not so good).

    I recently came across the blogs by many of your students about the Green Plastics video you asked them to watch. They were really fantastic! I am so glad that you are sharing this information with your students. It is important that people of all ages understand the new science of environmentally-friendly plastic.

    Thank you!

    Greg Stevens
