Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prezi Project Expectations

Today in class you were assigned an element upon which you will develop a PREZI presentation at: http://www.prezi.com/.
When you finish you will demonstrate your element with the use of the Panaboard.
Science 8A will be assigned as follows:  
Li-Luka J. 
Be-Luka L. 

Your Prezi must include sections on: 
  • Physical properties 
  • Chemical Properties of your element, 
  • Element Symbol, Bohr Diagram, Lewis Dot diagram
  • What type of element it is
  • Common Compounds (in which their element is a primary constituent), 
  • Occurrence and Production,
  • Hazards
  • Safety (For example: exposure to air, water, combination with other compounds, touching, etc...)
  • USES:  (Health sector use, Military use, Industrial use, and/or New Research or Emerging Technologies using their element.
We will use these Prezi's later in our investigations of bonding properties between elements. 
Due Friday, September 16, Day 2. 

Building an Atom Simulation


Go to this simulator and click on Run Now and then OK.
Make sure the symbol, mass number and net charge sections are open by clicking on the + sign.
For each element you make, you will see the element lit up on the periodic table.
Here is what it should look like: 

What happens when you add a proton? 
What does it mean when an atom is stable?  What does it mean when an atom is unstable? 
How do you make an atom stable?  What do you need to do? 
What is the valence electron pattern as you move across the periodic table?   
What happens to the atom when there is more protons, more neutrons, or more electrons? 
What's the difference between a positive and a negative ion?
How do you make a neutral ion (charge of 0)? 

When you have finished exploring this simulation, you will play the game.  You may need to review what it means to be a neutral atom or an ion (+ or -).