Monday, February 28, 2011

Where will I be in 2031?

Everybody has at least one goal in life. At least, they should. Everyone has a dream or many. In your next blog post, I would like you to write a letter as if you were writing in a journal on March 1, 2031.

Where would you be?
What would you be doing?
Would you have a family?
What career would you have at the age of 34?
What will you have accomplished by then?

We will use these letters later in a class discussion during this part of the unit. I can't wait to read your life stories...or dreams. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's the Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis?

Yesterday in science class, we read about mitosis (asexual reproduction) and meiosis (sexual reproduction). We also completed an activity where we used four pieces of yarn to represent chromosomes within a body cell and a sex cell.

Make a blog post in response to this question and include links to the videos you watched that helped you to understand this concept.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cancer Warrior on NOVA
Go to this link and watch each segment. Take notes on important ideas you get from each section.
Be sure that you have read Section 3-4: Cancer in your textbook and take input/output notes.

When you finish these two tasks, read pages 68 and 69 in your textbook titled:  When Should New Medicines Be Made Available?  You will use the knowledge you gained from watching this video and the readings to complete a One World Report regarding medicine, science and society.  You may use the FDA website on drug testing if you want for more information.

In your own words:
  • Write a short introductory paragraph about the film: Cancer Warrior as well as your thoughts on the information you gained regarding cancer and the innovative treatments you saw.
  • Using the section in the textbook regarding medicines, describe the benefits of parmaceutical drugs for society, but also the benefits of thoroughly testing a drug before it is approved for widespread use.
  • Explain the problem of determining when people with serious illnesses should be allowed to have experimental drugs.
  • Examine the pros and cons of allowing experimental drugs to be released before the entire testing process is complete and be sure to provide examples.
  • List possible benefits of releasing a drug early.
  • Identify risks that patients take when they use medicines that have not been fully tested.