Thursday, September 9, 2010


Students will be assigned an element upon which they will develop a Glogster presentation at: They will demonstrate their element with the use of the Panaboard.

Science 8a will be assigned H, Be, Na, Sr, K, F, Br, S, P, Ag and

Science 8b will be assigned Li, Fe, K, Ca, O, Cl, I, N, Al, C.

Students must include sections on both the Physical and Chemical Properties, Common Compounds (in which their element is a primary constituent), Occurrence and Production, Health sector use, Military use, Industrial use, and New Research or Emerging Technologies using their element.

Students will be paired with one representative from 8a and one from 8b. Here students will construct a shared Google presentation to inform their peers of the various compounds possibly formed between their and their partner’s elements.

Due Friday, September 17

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