Monday, September 20, 2010

20 Things about H20 you didn't know

Take a read through this list of 20 facts on water, attach the link to a blog post and write a reflection listing five items which you found most interesting and explain why.

Below this you must include five new facts about water which you found online from five different sources. You must include the link to your source next to each of the facts, so that other students can find them as well. Do your best to include sources which end in .edu, .gov or .org.

How does this article relate to the film we have been watching in class (Blue Gold: World Water Wars) and the research you have done on the water supply in your own home country?

Finally, you must make a comment on three other student's blogs. Your comment must be specific to something you read in their post. It must state an opinion of agreement or disagreement, and it must include reasoning or explanation.

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