Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Genetics Unit Reflection

Now, it's time to REFLECT about the unit. Think about the questions below and use them in your blog post. 
    I would like you to make a web of all the things you have learned during the unit in www.bubbl.us and put it on your blog.  Then, I want you to write a reflection about the unit using the questions posed to you below.  I would like to see that you include at least one thing that you learned or that intrigued you from each of your classmate’s presentations as well as other topics we discussed or activities we had during this unit.     After studying genetics and heredity and listening to a variety of topics during your classmates presentations, how are you more informed about genetics?    Unit Question:  How are the changes in DNA giving us expected and unexpected results?   How is science influencing the way society looks?    Do you believe that it is a right of the science and technology industry to engineer and manipulate genes?  If not, is there ever a good time to do this?    How is Human Ingenuity a positive and/or negative thing in the area of genetics? 

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