Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Boy with an extra string of DNA!!!

Hi All!
I read this amazing article! Here is the link below. Please read the article and post a comment, question, thought, etc... on this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I am not a scientist or genetic, but having to do a presentation of Down Syndrome that seems to be a very similar genetic mutation as the 21st chromosome being doubled, although in this case its A HOLE STRAND OF DNA! Which is a more severe problem then the extra 21st chromosome. To me it seems like another case of down syndrome. Like we are learning now about evolution, everything evolves over time. Either improves for the good, or changes for the bad, or stays the same. In this case everything changes and we get to find out and discover more about new disease and new cures everyday, before we thought cancer was an illness that would never be diagnosed, as the world is evolving we are coming up with different ideas and different solutions, and that is exactly how I think the illness of this unfortunate child Alfie had evolved.
