Now that both 8A and 8B have presented the Glogster posters on each element, we are going to embark on a cross-class collaborative bonding activity. :)
Begin a prezi page for your element from the Glogster Project and make this public so others can access it. Include the main information about your element.
8A: You know which elements we have researched.
8B has researched: Li, Fe, K, Ca, O, Cl, I, N, Al, C.
Open a Google Document to organize information as you research potential compounds that can be formed between the various elements your classmates have researched and presented on. Find information regarding compound characteristics, formation of new compounds, and uses. EXTENSION: Find out what types of reactions these new compounds form from. (Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Replacement, Double Replacement)

Once you have researched this information, reach out to each other as valence electrons do to other element atoms through your prezi by inviting others to bond (edit) with you. :) For example, if I were doing Calcium I would want to bond with Oxygen so I would send them a shared prezi email so they can edit my primary prezi. The person who completed Oxygen would then go in and complete the bond by creating a new link to my calcium atom.
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